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This is one of the first places where I was able to work alongside my father. I would turn the hand crank on the forge blower fast enough to keep the charcoal fire ablaze and then would hold some of the red-hot pieces on the anvil with tongs while my Daddy shaped them with a hammer and then plunged them hissing into the water for tempering. I learned a lot of skills from my father in this very building and also from Jack Clark, our farm supervisor, who did most of the shoeing of our mules and horses. \ \ [Horse neighing] \ \ Of course, I also learned farming techniques at school. There was certainly no assurance that I would ever go to the Naval Academy, so I had to prepare for other future possibilities and the most natural would be as a farmer. So, along with more than half the other boys in my high school, I joined the Future Farmers of America program. We took many agricultural classes and in the workshop at school we practiced carpentry and blacksmithing, welding and furniture making. Our teacher worked closely with each of our fathers to ensure that our work at school was compatible with that was being done on the farm. \ \ [Hammering on wood] \ \ panorama_AE7F6904_8989_0D82_41D4_D51C595A18D2.subtitle = [Cows mooing] \ \ The barn was the center of our attention on the farm because all of our work was focused there. It was a very exciting place as a matter of fact. \ \ [Hay rustling] \ \ We caught the mules and horses early in the morning, took them to the field hooked to wagons and ploughs, that’s where we brought them back at night for feed and for watering. We also had a good time around the barn. For instance, when Daddy thrashed oats and wheat, we had a thresher machine just behind the barn and we would have a big pile of loose hay and we used to get a running start in the loft of the barn and leap out of the window and land on the soft pile of hay. \ \ [Children giggling and playing] \ \ Throughout my young life I worked and played with my boyhood neighbors. My neighbors were African American, and we were equal to one another. But when I was about fourteen years old there was a profound experience that I had that didn’t seem to be important at the time but later in my life I realized that it was one of the turning points in my life. I wrote a poem about it... \ \ [Gentle acoustic guitar playing ] \ \ The Pasture Gate \ This empty house three miles from town was where I lived. Here I was back, and found most homes around were gone. The folks who stayed here now were black, like Johnny and A.D., my friends. As boys we worked in Daddy’s fields, hunted rabbits, squirrels, and quail, caught and cooked catfish and eels, searched the land for arrowheads, tried to fly the smallest kite, steered barrel hoops with strands of wire, and wrestled hard. At times we’d fight, without a thought who might be boss, who was smartest or the best, the leader for a few brief hours was who had won the last contest. But then – we were fourteen or so – as we approached the pasture gate, they went to open it, and then stood back. This made me hesitate, sure it must have been a joke, a tripwire, maybe, they had planned. I reckon they had to obey their parents’ prompting. Or command. We only saw it vaguely then, but we were transformed at that place. A silent line was drawn between friend and friend, race and race. \ \ [Gentle acoustic guitar ] \ \ panorama_761FD90C_565B_A335_41B6_228A923D0AB9.subtitle = [Geese honking, chickens clucking, ducks quacking] \ \ Nearly every workday started and ended at the barn. Since we didn’t have any tractors or other mechanized equipment, the mules and horses provided all the power necessary for ploughing and cultivating and harvesting the crops. \ \ [General animal and sounds of a working barn] \ \ Daddy owned about 25 mules and horses at any one time. A few of which were leased out to tenant farmers who didn’t have their own animals. \ Every morning, Jack Clark, who tended the barn lot, ensured that the mules and horses were fed, \ \ [Horses and Mules breathing] \ \ and he was the one who assigned the draught horses to the plowmen, sometimes including me, before we went out to work the fields. Although, the average observer might think the animals look the same. All of us knew every one of them by name, age, and temperament. One of my highest ambitions as a little boy was someday to plough a mule. \ \ [Sound of a horse drawn cart going by] \ \ My first real lesson in ploughing, on my own, was in our garden behind Emma, the most well-tempered mule. I don’t believe I’ve ever had a more proud or satisfying moment in my whole life, not just on the farm, than I did the first time I ploughed and I don’t even resent the feeling that Emma was the boss of our operation. \ \ [Mule breathing out heavily, birds chirping and bugs buzzing] \ \ panorama_8DB8DFF7_869F_021B_41DD_2E2E8791C0F3.subtitle = [Lock turning and old door creaking] \ \ We had a store, or what we called a commissary, on the farm. Which was quite common in rural communities because they provided the basic necessities that had to be bought by the workers and by our family as well. What happened usually was that the purchases were on credit and payment for the different items were made on payday or sometimes even at the end of a season when the crops were harvested. \ \ [Bucket sounds] \ \ The stores were convenient for three reasons. One, they were close by and most of the transportation was on foot. Secondly, the landowner... the larger ones, owned the store and wanted to make a profit on items sold and third, the people who lived on the farm or nearby quite often had no credit rating in town. Whereas the landowner that owned the store would know them and if they wanted to buy a pair of shoes or shirt or some tobacco they didn’t have to worry about credit because they had ready credit since the landowner knew them well and since the landowner knew that when he paid them for their work, he could collect the bill. \ This store was not kept open all the time, but it was open all day Saturday, because that was the day for major purchases. That was the day when the workers were paid and when they paid off what they owed. The rest of the week the store was closed except for when somebody wanted to make any kind of purchase. Both we and they were out of the fields during mealtimes. \ \ [Cutlery tinkling on dishes] \ \ So, almost every time I ever sat down at a meal, someone knocked on the back door \ \ [Knocking] \ \ and wanted to make a purchase from the store, my Daddy would throw the keys across the table to me \ \ [Keys clinking together] \ \ I would get up and miss part of the meal, walk out to the store, unlock it, sell five cents worth of chewing tobacco or a bottle of castor oil or two pounds of sugar, make a ticket \ \ [Pencil scribbling on paper] \ \ showing that the person had bought something on credit, lock the store back up, and go back to our meal. I hardly ever remember going to an entire meal without having to be interrupted to go to the store and open it to make a sale. \ \ panorama_8DB318DE_8697_0E0E_41C2_A7083BD74E68.subtitle = [Loud click and scratching of a radio being turned on] \ \ “The Johnson Wags Program with Fibber McGee and Molly” \ \ Before we had electricity in our home, one of our major treasures was a battery-operated radio. It was placed in the living room, and we would all sit and watch the radio while we listened to the exciting programs of a very limited nature. Daddy was uh very stingy about running the battery down so our time was limited. \ Most of our listening was in the evening and of course sometimes on the weekends as well when we were not working. We really enjoyed programs like “Little Orphan Annie” and “Amis and Andy” and “Fibber McGee and Molly.” \ \ [Audience laughing, sound bite from Fibber McGee and Molly] \ \ Usually, we all watched and listened to the radio at the same time, but I had a special interest in Glen Millers music which came on, unfortunately, quite late at night, like eight o’clock, and Daddy would let me stay up after the other family went to bed. I would lie in front of the fireplace, we had a clock on the mantle in the uh living room, and when eight o’clock came I would turn on the radio and listen to Glen Miller for fifteen minutes. \ \ [Clock ticking, radio humming, music begins to play] \ \ One of my most vivid memories about the radio was when there was a heavy weight boxing match between Joe Lewis, who was Black, and Max Schmeling, a white German. \ \ [Radio announcer speaking] \ \ “Here is the biggest show on Earth. Joe Lewis, the Worlds heavy weight champion and Max Schmeling, Germany’s contender.” \ \ [Wrestling bell rings] \ \ “Weighing 198 and ¾, wearing black trunks, the famous Detroit Brown Bomber, Worlds Heavy Weight Champion, Joe Lewis!” \ \ [Crowd cheering] \ \ This was a rematch, and it was filled with heavy racial overtones. I guess all over the world but particularly in the deep south. As the time for the match approached, our Black neighbors, about thirty or forty of them, asked my father if they could listen to the radio. Daddy approved of course and in the living room on the windowsill, he put the radio so that you could hear it both in the house and outside under the mulberry tree, a large crowd assembled out there. In the first round, Joe Lewis almost killed Max Schmeling. \ \ [Fuzzy radio broadcast of the wrestling match: \ Announcer counting] \ \ “5...6...7...8...the men are in the ring; the fight is over on a technical knockout. Max Schmeling is beaten in one round, the first time that a Worlds Champion...” \ Our neighbors observing their southern proprieties, didn’t make a sound. They very carefully walked out of the yard, crossed the railroad, went to a distant house. They celebrated until wee hours of the morning. \ \ [Fire crackling, clock ticking] \ \ \ panorama_ADC0AB29_89B9_0D86_41DA_0F141BFDB8E7.subtitle = Hello, I’m Jimmy Carter. Welcome to the house and the farm where I spent my youth. Here we had long working days, during those Depression years. \ \ [Bell rings] \ \ We would wake up each morning when the bell would ring, about 4 o’clock sun time, which was long before sunrise. We didn’t have any electricity and we didn’t have running water in our house. We got water from hand pumps for both the livestock and for our own use. \ \ [Water running, hand pump creaking] \ \ It was quite a change for us when electricity came. \ \ [Chickens clucking] \ \ My daddy believed in everyone on the farm doing their share. Here, in the backyard, we had chickens and ducks and gunnie hens and geese that we had to feed and of course, we had to sweep the yards all the time. We also had to cut wood and bring it in the house for momma to use in the stove and also in the fireplaces to keep us warm. \ The hardest work though was in the field. I had to carry water in two and a half gallon buckets to many workers in the field on hot days. And when I got older of course, I helped milk the cows. \ \ [Cows mooing] \ \ But I also had a lot of fun as a child. I played with my playmates who lived nearby, particularly whenever it rained, and we couldn’t work in the field or after the crops were ploughed and before the harvest. \ \ [Children playing] \ \ We pushed steel barrel hoops with a wire pusher and in the nearby streams we went fishing regularly. We built small dams; we went swimming in the creeks. So, we had a lot of fun both around the house and barn and also in the distant fields. \ \ panorama_DDC116D0_F31E_4223_41EB_FBCBD04A8C77.subtitle = Hello, I’m Jimmy Carter. Welcome to the house and the farm where I spent my youth. Here we had long working days, during those Depression years. \ \ [Bell rings] \ \ We would wake up each morning when the bell would ring, about 4 o’clock sun time, which was long before sunrise. We didn’t have any electricity and we didn’t have running water in our house. We got water from hand pumps for both the livestock and for our own use. \ \ [Water running, hand pump creaking] \ \ It was quite a change for us when electricity came. \ \ [Chickens clucking] \ \ My daddy believed in everyone on the farm doing their share. Here, in the backyard, we had chickens and ducks and gunnie hens and geese that we had to feed and of course, we had to sweep the yards all the time. We also had to cut wood and bring it in the house for momma to use in the stove and also in the fireplaces to keep us warm. \ The hardest work though was in the field. I had to carry water in two and a half gallon buckets to many workers in the field on hot days. And when I got older of course, I helped milk the cows. \ \ [Cows mooing] \ \ But I also had a lot of fun as a child. I played with my playmates who lived nearby, particularly whenever it rained, and we couldn’t work in the field or after the crops were ploughed and before the harvest. \ \ [Children playing] \ \ We pushed steel barrel hoops with a wire pusher and in the nearby streams we went fishing regularly. We built small dams; we went swimming in the creeks. So, we had a lot of fun both around the house and barn and also in the distant fields. \ \ panorama_D23EEBF9_F79B_8293_41C2_4A50ECAB3845.subtitle = In addition to my mother and father, there were a few people who shaped my life. Two of them were Jack and Rachel Clark who lived in this house. My mother and father would go off on vacation, I would stay with Jack and Rachel, and they provided me with information about the basic rudiments of life, the priorities that any human being should accrue and also my entre into understanding how the sharecroppers and day laborers lived in a strictly segregated society. Much later I wrote a poem about Rachel Clark, entitled Rachel. \ \ [Soft acoustic guitar] \ \ My young life, shaped by those I loved, felt the gentle touch of Rachel Clark, our neighbor on the farm whose husband, Jack, cared for the barn and did the kind of work that we boys most admired. He tended mules and rang the cast iron bell that brought an end to sleep and later told the time to rest. His wife was small and quiet, her brown skin fixed her in our segregated world. Yet Rachel had the aura of a queen. That somehow wouldn’t have the white folks ask her to do the chores around their place, like cooking, ironing clothes, or tending babes. But she would volunteer with quiet grace anytime she learned the need was real. For miles around the farming folks would know what Rachel did while working in the field. I’d pick 150 pounds or so of cotton and if I never stopped to rest, no man could do much more, but Rachel Clark could pick near twice as much as second best. At sundown, we would tie what we had got in burlap sheets and watch the foreman weigh. See for ourselves that Rachel had the most and if she had topped her own best mark that day. She’d put a lot more peanuts on the stacks, pull more weeds, shuck more corn, no one in fact could equal anything she did. \ These kind of deeds that may seem small to some, were big events for us in which we all competed as our farm life would allow. When work was done or when a heavy rain made the fields too wet to hoe or plough and open cotton bolls too damp to pick, sometimes she’d smile at me and mention fish. Then she and I would leave the farm and walk six miles or so to reach a stream she knew. These journeys gave us ample time to talk or rather I would listen to her words, and she would think awhile and then hold forth about God’s holy way. How when we deal with nature, we are stewards of the Earth. She’d say that blessings bring on debts to play, describe the duties of a man and wife, and say the brave and strongest need not fight. She’d tell how praying gave her life a lift and how it made her act not just talk, like staying up all night with someone sick. It wasn’t empty preaching like in church. Sometimes, I wasn’t glad to reach the creek. Our bait was crawfish, lizards, crickets, worms or whatever she would recommend for perch, catfish, and bass, which we called trout, misnamed by our European kin or mine at least. I knew that Rachel’s folks were brought themselves to be my people's slaves. \ The swamps and woodlands came alive for me. She taught the way that every person craves to learn. Our creels were empty flour sacks that kept our catch in water, fresh and safe from water snakes and snapping turtles, that would have left us bones instead of fish. Rachel used exactly seven poles, for reasons I could never figure out. I asked her, “Why not eight or six?” She only smiled at me, then went ahead and caught, with luck or skill, five fish to one of mine. She made it seem a favor, heading home if some of hers would wind up in my sack. Those might have been the best days I have known. \ With my folks gone, I’d stay with her and Jack. Newspapered walls all leaned, the sagging doors stayed open, letting flies and breezes in. I smelled the lye that cleaned the holy floors. Saving kerosene, we slept at dusk on lumpy corn shucks, not my feather bed. They always made me feel like I belonged, and knew what things were better left unsaid. Although the food was plain and seldom changed, I never thought our big house down the road was better. They all knew I liked to be with Rachel Clark. I guess my feelings showed. \ In later years, I’d visit Rachel’s home in public housing; sometimes I’d find her on the village street. Then, still a queen, her apron sagging with a can of beer, she’d laugh about what good times there had been, and tell me what she thought I ought to do in Washington, where I was working then. \ \ panorama_ADA26190_8989_3C84_41D5_6376A8B06DCC.subtitle = One of my most vivid memories of my childhood was of the Earth. There was a closeness, almost an immersion in the sand, loam, and red clay that seemed both natural and constant. \ \ [Sound of a plough moving through soil] \ \ I remember how enjoyable it was to walk behind a plough, my bare feet caressed by the soft and cool freshly turned earth. \ The Great Depression really devastated our rural farm economy. The New Deal programs initiated under President Roosevelt’s administration helped to combat this economic downturn and were meant to help farmers conserve their precious topsoil, making the land more productive. On our farm, we concentrated on minimizing erosion by terracing the fields and planting the rows on contours. We planted soil building crops like clover, lespedeza, and vetch and we worked to enhance wildlife habitat. I learned early on, if we take care of the land, it would take care of us. It may or may not be my descendants who live on our land in the future, but I’m confident that Earth itself will basically remain the same, continuing to shape the lives of its owners for good or ill as it has for generations. It’s good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on Earth and if we can teach our children to honor nature’s gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever. \ \ panorama_8DBD8D5A_8699_0617_41C5_99464FE1A746.subtitle = When I was a boy, I was strongly influenced by my uncle, Tom Gordy, who served in the Navy, stationed in the Pacific on a ship \ \ [Distant foghorn sounds] \ \ and he often send me letters and souvenir gifts from China, Japan, the Philippines, and other places that he visited. \ \ [Ship bells, horns, and waves crashing] \ \ One of the presents he sent me was a small model of a Chinese junk ship. Of course, that was one of my most cherished possessions. \ One of my fondest memories was a Christmas morning when I was a little boy, I had long wanted a pony, and was discouraged from expecting it. But I woke up on Christmas, I was ill, I couldn’t get out of the house because I had measles, and my mother and father said that maybe Santa Clause left me something outside in the yard. So, I raised a window in this bedroom, looked out (pause) and there (pause) was a pony. \ \ [Sound of a pony neighing and horseshoes clopping on pavement] \ \ I have never been more excited in my life and of course then for years I rode my pony, whom I called Lady. She had colts that I cherished, and it really was one of the transforming moments of my boyhood. \ As a boy I was an avid reader, as was my mother. Whenever I was asked what I wanted for Christmas, for Santa Clause to bring me, I always said books. Reading was really my major contact with the outside world. You know, what happened in Africa with Tarzan, what happened with Tom Swift and his adventures in scientific developments of those days. It was reading and the books that opened my eyes to the world that I didn’t yet know as a boy. That reading habit stuck with me throughout my life and that’s one of the reasons that I still like to read and write books of my own. \ \ ### Title album_2D5458C3_3170_9950_41C3_8DC0FC80FE71_4.label = 292871D0-1DD8-B71C-07FA10334EDE32EFOriginal album_2D5458C3_3170_9950_41C3_8DC0FC80FE71_0.label = 292A84EC-1DD8-B71C-07887167232238F4Original album_2D5458C3_3170_9950_41C3_8DC0FC80FE71_1.label = 292E28EE-1DD8-B71C-073C4BAE3F122F2EOriginal album_2D5458C3_3170_9950_41C3_8DC0FC80FE71_5.label = 293047B3-1DD8-B71C-07E302D440746CB3Original album_2D5458C3_3170_9950_41C3_8DC0FC80FE71_6.label = 2934064D-1DD8-B71C-078A353DA77DF97BOriginal album_2D5458C3_3170_9950_41C3_8DC0FC80FE71_2.label = 293C59BC-1DD8-B71C-07DB61EEC13F104BOriginal album_2D5458C3_3170_9950_41C3_8DC0FC80FE71_3.label = 29404A51-1DD8-B71C-073CEF639173A20EOriginal album_2D5458C3_3170_9950_41C3_8DC0FC80FE71_7.label = 29427269-1DD8-B71C-07A54B09C74F9539Original map_EC5CE8D9_B4E0_252D_41DF_0AAFDE70EA3B.label = Audio Guided Tour panorama_761FB0E1_565B_A2EF_41C8_B8284ADE7BF6.label = Barn panorama_761FD90C_565B_A335_41B6_228A923D0AB9.label = Barn panorama_76A975D4_565B_E2D5_41B3_4A669D006A6A.label = Barn panorama_779D6C1D_5654_E157_41C5_8FEFFCF01463.label = Barn panorama_AE64A8EB_8989_0C85_41DB_055AB71A396E.label = Barn panorama_AD93C4BB_898F_0485_41D8_1FF267037C0F.label = Barn panorama_AE6DB747_898F_058D_41DE_A3FB5B9C7778.label = Barn panorama_761FBC79_5654_E1DF_41C4_0834D8A4E5BA.label = Barn panorama_761F1473_5654_E1D3_4186_C6E5A2669FC9.label = Barn panorama_AE7F6904_8989_0D82_41D4_D51C595A18D2.label = Barn panorama_AE7D6551_8989_0582_41D7_68568E416BD6.label = Barn panorama_AE66EBC4_8989_0C82_41B5_36675ECC49E2.label = Barn panorama_AE7D1A5B_898B_0F86_41B5_2AAB04339F75.label = Barn Walkway panorama_AD8A092C_8989_0D9E_41C9_12DCCC9D1C34.label = Barn Walkway panorama_ADB5A565_8989_058D_41AF_7A7270064DD2.label = Barn Walkway panorama_ADB6E414_8989_3B83_41B7_6DABD5B6F5EE.label = Barn Walkway panorama_C64EBC10_C935_9B05_41C6_0F9E0448828C.label = Barn Walkway panorama_ADB7A244_8989_1F83_4185_06AED71FFDDE.label = Barn Walkway panorama_AE643773_8989_0586_41CD_35E316B1E375.label = Barn-Cane Press Walkway panorama_ADBB6A6B_898B_0F84_41BA_DE98D443B8C1.label = Blacksmith Shop panorama_ADBE8DE2_898B_0487_41DE_52401E7EB981.label = Blacksmith Shop panorama_8DB21ABC_8699_020C_41D1_44F2B03DB68C.label = Blacksmith Shop panorama_ADBF9EC8_898B_0484_41D8_4C7409A281A8.label = Blacksmith Shop Outside map_EF3148B2_FD4C_4D19_41EE_D809C4B5869B.label = Boyhood Farm panorama_AE673A5B_8989_0F86_419F_9DB6B62C02D4.label = Cane Press panorama_ADA26190_8989_3C84_41D5_6376A8B06DCC.label = Carter Family Farm map_0899021D_068B_A15A_4197_A60B92A59AAD.label = Carter Home panorama_8DB35C73_8697_0616_41C5_799D260F4808.label = Carter House - 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Boyhood Home of Jimmy Carter

This 3D point cloud is of a modest farm home in Plains, Georgia that was the boyhood home of the 39th President of the United States, Jimmy Carter. Today the homestead, which includes a number of contributing and related structures and landscape area, is part of the Jimmy Carter National Historical Park and is managed by the National Park Service. Our 3D laser scanning survey efforts at the site are assisting with long-term preservation and heritage tourism development for the park.
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Carter Family Homestead and Commissary

The Boyhood Farm includes the Carter family home along with several outbuuildings and the commissary that was run by Jimmy’s Dad, Earl Carter. Adjacent to the store is a gas pump that was sold to passing motorists, and behind the store is a windmill of the type that operated on the Carter homestead. Fields planted with crop vegetables are to one side of the commissary, and a clay tennis court lies between the home and the store. Jimmy would play his father in tennis on this clay court, and while the games were tough, he said he was never able to best his Father. The commissary store was a simple affair, and was not open all the time. If someone stopped in at the store, Jimmy was often charged with opening it up and making the sale.
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Gas Pump at Jimmy Carter Boyhood Farm

This gas pump sits beside the commissary at the Jimmy Carter Boyhood Farm site in Archery, (outside Plains) Georgia, part of the Jimmy Carter National Historical Park. This is a visible handcrank gas pump that dates to the c.1930 era. The Carter family sold dry goods and food items in their commissary and operated a fuel stop at their farm along the Old Plains Highway.

The 3D documentation of this feature is part of a virtual tour and 3D archive of the Jimmy Carter National Historical Park- a collaborative program between USF’s Digital Heritage and Humanities Collections, the National Park Service, and the Friends of Jimmy Carter National Historic Site.
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The Clark House at Jimmy Carter Boyhood Home

This point cloud from a terrestrial laser scanning survey at the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site (Boyhood Home) is the Clark house. The Clarks were the nearest neighbor to the Carters. Jack Clark was managed the barn, the mules and horses, and all the equipment for the farm. Jack’s wife Rachel was said to be an amazing person and was legendary for her peanut harvesting work. President Carter fondly remembers that Rachel taught him wildflower, trees, and wildlife names and much about nature, and took him fishing often. President Carter often stayed with them and was friends with the Clark children. His early experiences with the family likely shaped much of his worldview and understanding of Black life and families. Many African Americans resided in nearby Archery, and a number were employed by Earl Carter on the farm. The Clark home had to be moved slightly in the 1960s due to road work and is today open as an interpretive exhibit at the Boyhood home of the 39th President of the United States.
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Blacksmith Shop at Carter Boyhood Home

This small reconstructed blacksmith shop was made to replicate the small workshop at the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site (Boyhood Home). According to President Carter, the shop had a dirt floor and tools included a forge and anvil, drillpress, and emory wheel that were utilized in daily tool upkeep and repair. The President is a notable woodworker and credits his time with his Father in the Blacksmith shop with learning to work with tools that he would use in furniture making and in his later extensive philanthropy work buuilding and repairing homes with Habitat for Humanity. The blacksmith shop was also where the farm’s mules and horses were shod and the plows were kept sharpened.
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Bronze Castings of Jimmy Carter's Hands

These cast bronze hands of the 39th President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Jimmy Carter, were made by Adrian E. Flatt (1921-2017), head of hand surgery at Baylor University Medical Center (BUMC) in Dallas. Flatt has casts from more than 120 celebrities, sports figures, politicians, astronauts, and other well known persons. The bronze castings of President Carter’s hands are curated as part of the collections of the Jimmy Carter National Historical Park in Plains, Georgia. You can also find where the President left his handprints in wet cement at his boyhood home site.

Documented with permission of the National Park Service, Jimmy Carter Historical Park. Methods- strucutred light 3D scanning and photogrammetric imaging capture.
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Jimmy Carter Mailbox with Safe Place Symbols

During the Great Depression era the Jimmy Carter Boyhood Farm would often be the stop off for homeless vagrants in search of work who rode the train that ran on the rails in front of the Carter homestead. The mailbox post was a medium for communication amoung the riders that this house was a safe place. Often depicted were symbols denoting good food and drink and kind woman, which were marked in chalk on the wooden post. Today, the National Park Service keeps this system of communication alive, marking the mailbox post in front of the boyhood home of our nation’s 39th President, Jimmy Carter, with the same type of symbols used during this time of need for many. Jimmy’s mother, Lillian Carter, was known as for her kindness and generosity, a trait that her son inherited.
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LiDAR Models

Click the thumbnails below to explore LiDAR Point Cloud Models.
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Vintage Poultry Plucker

This poultry or chicken plucker is from the Jimmy Carter Boyhood Farm- National Historical Park in Plains, Georgia. The plucker is on display at the farm, with park interpretors and rangers providing visitors with a glimpse of what life on the farm would have entailed. The plucker is a device not well understood in today’s culture, with most people buying meat at the grocery store instead of participating in a farming way of life. The plucker made easy work of removing feathers from a chicken or turkey, with the rubber fingers that were used to beat the feathers off a bird once killed for the table.
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Well at Castillo de San Marcos

There were historically three shallow wells in the Plaza de Armas at the Castillo de San Marcos that provided water for the garrison. One of these wells still exists, today, and although covered over, was 3D scanned and documented as part of our survey of the fortification. Fresh water still can be found in the well today.
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Well at Castillo de San Marcos

There were historically three shallow wells in the Plaza de Armas at the Castillo de San Marcos that provided water for the garrison. One of these wells still exists, today, and although covered over, was 3D scanned and documented as part of our survey of the fortification. Fresh water still can be found in the well today.
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Well at Castillo de San Marcos

There were historically three shallow wells in the Plaza de Armas at the Castillo de San Marcos that provided water for the garrison. One of these wells still exists, today, and although covered over, was 3D scanned and documented as part of our survey of the fortification. Fresh water still can be found in the well today.
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Well at Castillo de San Marcos

There were historically three shallow wells in the Plaza de Armas at the Castillo de San Marcos that provided water for the garrison. One of these wells still exists, today, and although covered over, was 3D scanned and documented as part of our survey of the fortification. Fresh water still can be found in the well today.
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Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States of America
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