#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = Virtual tour of the Sulphur Springs water tower in Sulphur Springs, Florida. ### Title tour.name = Sulphur Springs Tower ## Skin ### Multiline Text HTMLText_217E4AEE_3767_963D_41C0_B2692864BCF6.html =

The Tower Drive-in Theatre opened in October 1952 and demolished in 1985.

As you look across the field in this area, you can still notice several features, such as elevated rows and ramps that were part of the drive-in. From above, and looking at our digital terrain models and historic black and white aerial imagery, you can see these features become more evident and you can still make out the property boundary outline for the drive-in, along with other remnant features on the landscape.

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The Tower Drive-in Theatre opened in October 1952 and demolished in 1985.

As you look across the field in this area, you can still notice several features, such as elevated rows and ramps that were part of the drive-in. From above, and looking at our digital terrain models and historic black and white aerial imagery, you can see these features become more evident and you can still make out the property boundary outline for the drive-in, along with other remnant features on the landscape.

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Postcards Showcase
the Past

In the 19-teens through the 1930s, linen postcards that depicted landmark sites and cities were popular. Sulphur Springs Water Tower, sometimes shown with its associated pump house, were commonly sold with tourists often sending postcards to show unique sites they had visited. The University of South Florida Libraries has a number of these representative postcards in their digital collections, and the Sulphur Spring Museum and Heritage Center also have a number of representative early postcards that show the tower site and town area. These postcards can be found on display and in their collections. Postcards are an interesting artifact since they often contain dates and represent structures and landscapes as they appeared at that moment in time, essentially preserving the way the sites were considered and often showing function or activities relating to the locations.

HTMLText_2595A16E_376A_723D_41C7_D866B7271B65_mobile.html =
Postcards Showcase
the Past

In the 19-teens through the 1930s, linen postcards that depicted landmark sites and cities were popular. Sulphur Springs Water Tower, sometimes shown with its associated pump house, were commonly sold with tourists often sending postcards to show unique sites they had visited. The University of South Florida Libraries has a number of these representative postcards in their digital collections, and the Sulphur Spring Museum and Heritage Center also have a number of representative early postcards that show the tower site and town area. These postcards can be found on display and in their collections. Postcards are an interesting artifact since they often contain dates and represent structures and landscapes as they appeared at that moment in time, essentially preserving the way the sites were considered and often showing function or activities relating to the locations.

HTMLText_722F2677_3B7D_6DE8_417C_EEB4226245A6.html =
Sulphur Springs Water Tower Architectural Detail

The concrete Sulphur Springs Water Tower is an iconic structure on Tampa’s landscape, sitting adjacent to Interstate-275 as you head into downtown. It features a buttressed cantilever foundation, with these ornate floret designs that decorate the base on each of the buttress elements. The tower could store some 200,000 gallons of water when it was operational, with water being pumped from Sulphur Springs on the Hillsborough River. The USF-DHHC partnered with the Sulphur Springs Museum and Heritage Center to establish a preservation documentation effort at this important site. To learn more about our efforts with 3D preservation at this site:

HTMLText_722F2677_3B7D_6DE8_417C_EEB4226245A6_mobile.html =
Sulphur Springs Water Tower Architectural Detail

The concrete Sulphur Springs Water Tower is an iconic structure on Tampa’s landscape, sitting adjacent to Interstate-275 as you head into downtown. It features a buttressed cantilever foundation, with these ornate floret designs that decorate the base on each of the buttress elements. The tower could store some 200,000 gallons of water when it was operational, with water being pumped from Sulphur Springs on the Hillsborough River. The USF-DHHC partnered with the Sulphur Springs Museum and Heritage Center to establish a preservation documentation effort at this important site. For More on Our Efforts with 3D Preservation at this site: https://www.fox13news.com/news/secrets-of-the-sulphur-springs-water-tower-revealed-in-3d?fbclid=IwAR2qY-v6Ll1T__1OCLQGezSUOWufVCxrvKDaSasJfN93FDUAag3e1Q6FwY8
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About the Project

The USF-DHHC partnered with the Sulphur Springs Museum and Heritage Center to establish a preservation documentation effort at this important site. To learn more about our efforts with 3D Preservation at the Tower site. Our team utilized terrestrial laser scanners that captured the entirety of the tower structure from the exterior, and performed higher resolution scanning (as seen here) to create exact models of architectural details that require preservation and potential fabrication of pieces using the data collected. Additionally, we surveyed the site using drone structure from motion 3D technology and collected GPS position target details that will allow for re-survey and monitoring of the site as needed in the future. We captured specialized 360 imagery to use in a virtual tourism application, developed in partnership with the Sulphur Springs Museum and Heritage Center.

HTMLText_74AB57BC_446F_A932_41B3_7006E8ACA6AE_mobile.html =
About the Project

The USF-DHHC partnered with the Sulphur Springs Museum and Heritage Center to establish a preservation documentation effort at this important site. To learn more about our efforts with 3D Preservation at the Tower site. Our team utilized terrestrial laser scanners that captured the entirety of the tower structure from the exterior, and performed higher resolution scanning (as seen here) to create exact models of architectural details that require preservation and potential fabrication of pieces using the data collected. Additionally, we surveyed the site using drone structure from motion 3D technology and collected GPS position target details that will allow for re-survey and monitoring of the site as needed in the future. We captured specialized 360 imagery to use in a virtual tourism application, developed in partnership with the Sulphur Springs Museum and Heritage Center.

HTMLText_C55C7F05_81AC_49B8_41E0_BDFE5B3DFEAE.html =
The 3D and Reality Capture Survey of the Sulphur Springs Water Tower

Our team of specialists used drone structure from motion technologies, specialized imaging, terrestrial laser scanning, GPS survey, and structured light close range 3D documentation strategies to record the exterior of the Sulphur Springs Water Tower in Tampa, Florida. Combining the methods allows us to provide measurable information for mapping and preservation of the tower, and when combined with our 3D and 360 documentation of the broader landscape, allows for virtual tour and heritage VR experiences. Credit to our FAA licensed pilot: Kyutae "Simon" Ahn.
HTMLText_C55C7F05_81AC_49B8_41E0_BDFE5B3DFEAE_mobile.html =
The 3D and Reality Capture Survey of the Sulphur Springs Water Tower

Our team of specialists used drone structure from motion technologies, specialized imaging, terrestrial laser scanning, GPS survey, and structured light close range 3D documentation strategies to record the exterior of the Sulphur Springs Water Tower in Tampa, Florida. Combining the methods allows us to provide measurable information for mapping and preservation of the tower, and when combined with our 3D and 360 documentation of the broader landscape, allows for virtual tour and heritage VR experiences. Credit to our FAA licensed pilot: Kyutae "Simon" Ahn.
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Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_B4C228C4_81AB_C21C_41DB_850308A4B4A5.source = https://arcweb.forest.usf.edu/dhhc/SulphurSprings-PointCloud/ LinkBehaviour_BDED7E1D_81B5_DE31_41D6_061B479AA7CD.source = https://arcweb.forest.usf.edu/dhhc/SulphurSprings-PointCloud/