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The DHHC also has a GIScience division that supports research and student success using GIS across the USF community. panorama_3DEF521D_20BB_CD10_41B2_2D565B6AD04B.subtitle = 30 new computer stations including several high-end processors, all with the full GIS site license for ESRI, as well as loaded with a number of other visualization and graphics software packages to provide support for your 3D and GIS projects. \ \ GIS mentoring and project development assistance is also available by appointment. 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assistance to USF students, faculty and staff. \ \ Visit https://www.lib.usf.edu/dmc/ for a full list of gear you can use, and get the expert support you need for your next project or research endeavor. panorama_1DDCDA0B_0105_8946_417E_86197FAE12E3.subtitle = A multimedia production area that provides equipment, instruction, creative space, and assistance to USF students, faculty and staff. \ \ Visit https://www.lib.usf.edu/dmc/ for a full list of gear you can use, and get the expert support you need for your next project or research endeavor. panorama_1DDB23E4_0103_FEC2_4167_1B0DC8B223C8.subtitle = A multimedia production area that provides equipment, instruction, creative space, and assistance to USF students, faculty and staff. \ \ Visit https://www.lib.usf.edu/dmc/ for a full list of gear you can use, and get the expert support you need for your next project or research endeavor. panorama_1DDD9B2C_0102_8F41_4178_C6250BCDA847.subtitle = A multimedia production area that provides equipment, instruction, creative space, and assistance to USF students, faculty and staff. \ \ Visit https://www.lib.usf.edu/dmc/ for a full list of gear you can use, and get the expert support you need for your next project or research endeavor. panorama_1DDD7587_0105_9B4F_416C_6E2DDECEE98C.subtitle = A multimedia production area that provides equipment, instruction, creative space, and assistance to USF students, faculty and staff. \ \ Visit https://www.lib.usf.edu/dmc/ for a full list of gear you can use, and get the expert support you need for your next project or research endeavor. panorama_1DDEE0F7_0106_9ACE_415D_4A9669B9CD65.subtitle = A multimedia production area that provides equipment, instruction, creative space, and assistance to USF students, faculty and staff. \ \ Visit https://www.lib.usf.edu/dmc/ for a full list of gear you can use, and get the expert support you need for your next project or research endeavor. panorama_1DDF477C_0106_87C2_4173_6BC920AE5A36.subtitle = A multimedia production area that provides equipment, instruction, creative space, and assistance to USF students, faculty and staff. \ \ Visit https://www.lib.usf.edu/dmc/ for a full list of gear you can use, and get the expert support you need for your next project or research endeavor. panorama_1DDDA74E_0102_87DE_4174_0AE5EA379B33.subtitle = A multimedia production area that provides equipment, instruction, creative space, and assistance to USF students, faculty and staff. \ \ Visit https://www.lib.usf.edu/dmc/ for a full list of gear you can use, and get the expert support you need for your next project or research endeavor. panorama_1DDC92F5_0103_9EC3_417D_754EC140714B.subtitle = Our VR facilities include Oculus Go and Rift equipment, as well as Vive Pro gear for full interactive immersion potentials. \ \ Our knowledgeable staff and faculty can help with course applications and project development, and the VR Studio can be booked for student and faculty projects and classroom use through the DMC website. panorama_1DDC5B54_0103_8FC1_4151_B4545919773A.subtitle = Our VR facilities include Oculus Go and Rift equipment, as well as Vive Pro gear for full interactive immersion potentials. \ \ Our knowledgeable staff and faculty can help with course applications and project development, and the VR Studio can be booked for student and faculty projects and classroom use through the DMC website. panorama_386EC2BC_20AB_4D0E_41B1_90CF2C65DEFE.subtitle = Our interactive high-resolution displays and video conferencing and camera setups allow for online sharing and teaching, virtual presentation, and unique workshop and teaching possibilities. \ \ We also have tech demonstration areas and speaker facilities for small events and workshop opportunities. Our DMC spaces also include computer classrooms that are available for booking through the DMC webpage. panorama_38653535_20A9_5719_4190_0C52909F1223.subtitle = Our interactive high-resolution displays and video conferencing and camera setups allow for online sharing and teaching, virtual presentation, and unique workshop and teaching possibilities. \ \ We also have tech demonstration areas and speaker facilities for small events and workshop opportunities. Our DMC spaces also include computer classrooms that are available for booking through the DMC webpage. panorama_D4C00B5C_F645_087E_41E6_F8497B993C26.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C0D46C_F645_785E_41D0_85183E3EDE28.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C0F118_F645_19C7_41E2_2770B5460315.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C10702_F645_19CB_41ED_4F24FA83230C.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C750FC_F643_183F_41C9_D9A0B55866C4.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C09A07_F645_0BC9_41DC_68ED2F40FDCE.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C738AF_F645_08D9_41E7_C0B446912F74.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C700D9_F646_F878_41E6_29DB4239FC2A.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C11161_F647_1848_41C1_FBF4C7E4E2F0.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C159A2_F647_08C8_41E0_3629773B2353.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C6C959_F647_0878_41D6_C0DEB0D7C2AA.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C76B8D_F643_08DE_41A6_E71464BAADAD.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4D4B358_F645_1847_41C8_C32AF1E333A6.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C0924E_F645_385B_41D4_11BFEE1331F6.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C09A66_F645_084B_41E3_E392C5FD22D0.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_D4C0EE35_F645_0BC9_41DC_A430C00F9552.subtitle = Special Collections is housed on this floor, and is open by appointment only from 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. Also in Special Collections is the Grace Allen Room, and in the fourth floor lobby they have a display case featuring collections. \ \ \ The fourth floor is a quiet study floor, has six group study rooms available for checkout and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Books PQ-QE are available on this floor. panorama_1DD5804B_010E_B9C7_4161_69455063DF5E.subtitle = Special Collections supports scholarly research, enhances teaching, and preserves USF and Florida history through a series of deep University and community partnerships. \ \ Learn more about these partnerships by clicking the information buttons throughout the Reading Room. panorama_1DD45626_010E_B94E_4175_47FFA22623D9.subtitle = Special Collections supports scholarly research, enhances teaching, and preserves USF and Florida history through a series of deep University and community partnerships. \ \ Learn more about these partnerships by clicking the information buttons throughout the Reading Room. panorama_1DD43767_010E_87CE_4163_E7B9B012C986.subtitle = Special Collections supports scholarly research, enhances teaching, and preserves USF and Florida history through a series of deep University and community partnerships. \ \ Learn more about these partnerships by clicking the information buttons throughout the Reading Room. panorama_1DDF3C90_0106_8942_414C_FBA3E09B4900.subtitle = The Digital Heritage & Humanities Collections (DHHC) in the USF Libraries, uses the latest in Reality Capture, 3D, and spatial documentation strategies to record heritage sites, landscapes, and objects from around the world. We are creating digital learning tools and library collections that promote heritage preservation research, education, and tourism interpretation strategies. Our work in applied historic preservation leverages digital technologies to rapidly record, analyze, visualize, and share information about our past. Our research and applied projects are having local, regional, national, and international impact – increasing heritage stewardship and conservation, and helping guide 3D research standards and ethics into the future. panorama_1DDD166D_0106_99C3_416B_23FAC243F7C4.subtitle = The Digital Heritage & Humanities Collections (DHHC) in the USF Libraries, uses the latest in Reality Capture, 3D, and spatial documentation strategies to record heritage sites, landscapes, and objects from around the world. We are creating digital learning tools and library collections that promote heritage preservation research, education, and tourism interpretation strategies. Our work in applied historic preservation leverages digital technologies to rapidly record, analyze, visualize, and share information about our past. Our research and applied projects are having local, regional, national, and international impact – increasing heritage stewardship and conservation, and helping guide 3D research standards and ethics into the future. panorama_59FD2CD8_24A2_648E_41B1_D5BAF110D8EF.subtitle = The Information Technology Service Desk offers assistance via phone, internet, email, or in person. The Service Desk team provides support for MyUSF, student email accounts, current supported Microsoft Windows OS, the current three revisions of macOS, connecting remotely to USF resources, enterprise business systems and more. \ \ Call USF IT for assistance at (813) 974-HELP (4357) or email help@usf.edu. panorama_93F7BDEA_020B_EA44_419A_792FB912710B.subtitle = The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is here to assist undergraduate students from all disciplines and backgrounds get involved in research. Students are encouraged to engage with faculty and get involved in research as early as their Freshman year, and OUR provides the resources to aid students no matter where they are in their research journey. panorama_1DD476A6_010D_F94E_4160_39DE72E0024E.subtitle = The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is here to assist undergraduate students from all disciplines and backgrounds get involved in research. Students are encouraged to engage with faculty and get involved in research as early as their Freshman year, and OUR provides the resources to aid students no matter where they are in their research journey. panorama_1DCCD13E_0106_BB41_4172_7DC9B2787B3F.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD4B039_0102_7943_4177_C957F79DD4DF.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD5888D_0103_8942_4176_0B15FAE5E877.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD4B1C5_0102_9AC2_417D_49D6D85D7000.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD48B1D_0102_8F43_417A_EEF27CC60AE6.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD4C484_0102_F942_4178_5CACE772CDFE.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD4EDDC_0102_8AC2_4173_66AF2FCA1F0C.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD44713_0102_8746_4170_B0002D61F63E.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DCCD4C7_0106_9ACE_4177_D277EC508A3A.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD3B92C_0105_8B42_4170_88F95ECD87F8.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD34200_0105_9941_4167_B4768EA92380.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD3EB8B_0105_8F47_417C_F39D18D78C9A.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD3F4E2_0105_BAC6_415B_4D6642683446.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD39E4B_0105_89C6_417A_336AC37BCFC8.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD367E7_0106_86CE_4165_1C1320618750.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DCCBAA6_0106_8941_416B_5286773FC2FE.subtitle = The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. \ \ Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. panorama_1DD46590_0102_9B41_4174_948B85287278.subtitle = The Studio offers free, remote writing assistance with experienced writing consultants to all currently enrolled USF undergraduate and graduate students. Book your consultation at https://usf.mywconline.com/. \ \ Starting in Fall 2020, all of our online consultations will take place through Microsoft Teams. During your session, you will have 45 minutes to talk with a writing consultant, who will ask you questions about your writing goals and concerns. Please keep in mind that consultations are interactive and collaborative, so come prepared to work actively on your writing. \ \ The Writing Center Online allows for file sharing, screen sharing, audio/visual sharing, and chat features. panorama_1DD41CAE_0102_895E_4179_9E5F77E684ED.subtitle = The Studio offers free, remote writing assistance with experienced writing consultants to all currently enrolled USF undergraduate and graduate students. Book your consultation at https://usf.mywconline.com/. \ \ Starting in Fall 2020, all of our online consultations will take place through Microsoft Teams. During your session, you will have 45 minutes to talk with a writing consultant, who will ask you questions about your writing goals and concerns. Please keep in mind that consultations are interactive and collaborative, so come prepared to work actively on your writing. \ \ The Writing Center Online allows for file sharing, screen sharing, audio/visual sharing, and chat features. panorama_1DD4B40D_0102_7942_4136_83D5F173C6DC.subtitle = The Studio offers free, remote writing assistance with experienced writing consultants to all currently enrolled USF undergraduate and graduate students. Book your consultation at https://usf.mywconline.com/. \ \ Starting in Fall 2020, all of our online consultations will take place through Microsoft Teams. During your session, you will have 45 minutes to talk with a writing consultant, who will ask you questions about your writing goals and concerns. Please keep in mind that consultations are interactive and collaborative, so come prepared to work actively on your writing. \ \ The Writing Center Online allows for file sharing, screen sharing, audio/visual sharing, and chat features. panorama_1DD7E8A8_010E_8941_415A_067C970D30D4.subtitle = The basement of the library houses the federal and state government documents (magazines, journals, and newspapers), the reference annex, and the technical service section for the library. panorama_1DD477A7_010E_874E_416C_15AB1B04231C.subtitle = The basement of the library houses the federal and state government documents (magazines, journals, and newspapers), the reference annex, and the technical service section for the library. panorama_1DD484E8_010F_9AC1_4166_DA3918D175D6.subtitle = The basement of the library houses the federal and state government documents (magazines, journals, and newspapers), the reference annex, and the technical service section for the library. panorama_1DD49243_010F_99C7_4171_596A212E7825.subtitle = The basement of the library houses the federal and state government documents (magazines, journals, and newspapers), the reference annex, and the technical service section for the library. panorama_1DD46AA0_010F_8942_416A_5BDE666FD758.subtitle = The basement of the library houses the federal and state government documents (magazines, journals, and newspapers), the reference annex, and the technical service section for the library. panorama_1DD4A3A5_010F_FF42_4174_7BE54A30DB84.subtitle = The basement of the library houses the federal and state government documents (magazines, journals, and newspapers), the reference annex, and the technical service section for the library. panorama_1DD41C46_010F_89CE_4170_C3BC2029B354.subtitle = The basement of the library houses the federal and state government documents (magazines, journals, and newspapers), the reference annex, and the technical service section for the library. panorama_1DD44D82_010D_8B41_4146_A9174A7B7656.subtitle = The basement of the library houses the federal and state government documents (magazines, journals, and newspapers), the reference annex, and the technical service section for the library. panorama_1DD4FE40_010E_89C1_4157_FFC8FD73CEA0.subtitle = The basement of the library houses the federal and state government documents (magazines, journals, and newspapers), the reference annex, and the technical service section for the library. panorama_1DD46016_010E_9941_416C_72582218D695.subtitle = The basement of the library houses the federal and state government documents (magazines, journals, and newspapers), the reference annex, and the technical service section for the library. panorama_1DD7D1CC_010E_BAC1_4176_EAB4FDFE0A38.subtitle = The basement of the library houses the federal and state government documents (magazines, journals, and newspapers), the reference annex, and the technical service section for the library. panorama_1DD79A6C_010E_89C2_416E_64A6F1CE8FE9.subtitle = The basement of the library houses the federal and state government documents (magazines, journals, and newspapers), the reference annex, and the technical service section for the library. panorama_1DD40372_010D_9FC1_4169_C6CE3A5651B4.subtitle = The basement of the library houses the federal and state government documents (magazines, journals, and newspapers), the reference annex, and the technical service section for the library. panorama_D4C2CF71_F645_084B_41E0_62D204A463F4.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C218E2_F645_0848_4199_2A0CA3B35FDE.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C6511A_F647_19FB_41D0_1EE64E987B4D.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C618A3_F647_08CF_41C1_789ADF3FCF53.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C6B952_F647_0848_41E5_56C3D10C5218.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C6307D_F647_1838_41EF_51BEAA31F5BF.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C22823_F645_17C8_41C5_877B7216EAE0.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C2606F_F645_3858_41EC_795048FD728E.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C238AE_F645_08D8_41E2_60914BC99608.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C658F3_F647_0848_41C0_339C79F659BB.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C200D9_F645_187B_41D9_0361DEAE1E52.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C190BB_F647_7839_41D6_637F7E871083.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C2709B_F645_F8F8_41EA_69E61F5C7425.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C2A841_F645_084B_41E4_3A74CE0F6FBE.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C2476A_F645_1859_41EC_D681F9162AD1.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C3A81B_F643_17F8_41D9_1E0332B58CB2.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C25781_F642_F8CB_41C1_CFACF68E4954.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C29F44_F645_0849_41E6_E040CC1F2659.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_D4C3CFBF_F643_0838_41E1_62BBE4B01D17.subtitle = The fifth floor is newly remodeled with 400+ seats for students to study, and is a quiet floor. There are two study rooms for undergraduates, and a graduate study room with lockers available on a semester by semester basis (see the library services desk for more information on checking out a locker). There are also eight group study rooms available for reservation. \ \ \ This is a quiet study floor, please keep noise to a minimum. \ \ \ Books QH-Z are located on this floor. panorama_1DDD37AB_0106_8746_4172_7814682BD304.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_59FA973F_24A2_E583_4185_BB27776500B2.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_1DDCF8FD_0107_8ABD_416D_DA4D1A8DF717.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_1DDF724D_0107_99C3_4176_0D12454B7CF9.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_1DDCC1AF_0107_BB5F_4166_91C0D67B8DBC.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_59F98E6C_24A2_2785_4191_0EA122C2EFE2.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_59FB01C5_24A2_7C86_41AE_6957C730779C.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_59FA24BD_24A2_2487_41B7_2CC04B851134.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_59F64B86_24A3_EC85_413A_9033383D760C.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_1DDF0A40_0107_89C1_4176_CACBE5CE75F8.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_59FCF5D0_24A1_E49D_41BC_9C4BA90B7CFA.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_59FD49AF_24A2_2C82_4193_9EC3EAB7130F.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_59FCB32A_24A2_1D82_41B5_B023C9C3ACE1.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_59E1BECD_24A6_E486_4183_92E367EEB373.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_59FD582F_24A6_2B82_41AE_C843B63C9BB5.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_59E32994_24A6_6C86_41BD_02A1A5926687.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_59E31C4B_24A6_2B82_41A7_3D345AA9333D.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_1DDFFAEB_0107_8EC6_4161_DA25DAB93737.subtitle = The first floor of the Library includes the first floor of the Learning Commons, Digital Media Commons (DMC) and Studio, the IT Help Desk, and the Library Services Desk (Circulation, Research help, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan). panorama_04399D01_20F7_B4CA_41B9_9852D592BB80.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DCCB7DA_0106_86C6_4165_D350EBD9E809.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD47CCB_0103_8AC6_4178_148EF1BC37AB.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD3A583_0107_FB47_4155_06C567FBED6C.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD3E1C8_0107_9AC2_415D_A262EB285C00.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD45E64_0102_89C2_4156_D12A0D22909A.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DCCEE2E_0106_8941_4167_AE84AC739B10.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD7678A_0102_8741_415B_AA86FDBD45D1.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD3D9D8_0106_8AC1_4179_03CAA691B28E.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD4509E_0102_997E_4161_B3677EE3CBCD.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD5FA28_0103_8942_4162_904BE3D72048.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD5C372_0103_BFC6_4165_8C3E763AD492.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD27EBC_0107_8941_4170_449F5AE3645C.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD3977C_0107_87C2_413A_5A912B30FB68.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD3B0C3_0106_7AC7_4160_E5F6E6DC7444.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD32268_0106_99C2_417A_7432568D9DA6.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD44F35_0103_8743_416F_B7F8B3946EA3.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD45620_0103_9941_4170_924D5C0AB028.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_047C8C29_20F7_54DA_41AD_430501D10D17.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_04076D0A_20F7_B4DE_41BD_2C112B375977.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_04364CF5_20F7_B54A_4182_93CCF6C65730.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_047C5C2C_20F7_54DA_41A2_829E52B14E3B.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_04381D07_20F7_B4D6_41BF_7EEE512F037F.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_1DD23C09_0107_8942_4178_14CD8523BCED.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_047ACC31_20F7_54CA_41B9_6C13C262E9BD.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_047BFC2E_20F7_54D6_41AB_E7CE08A75C1E.subtitle = The second floor is home to the student-friendly Learning Commons study areas, the SMART Lab for classes and open computer use, instruction labs LIB201 and LIB209, the Academic Success Center, Writing Studio, Tutoring, Health Professions Advising, and the Office for Undergraduate Research. panorama_D4C73A81_F643_08C6_41CD_AE059754F73B.subtitle = The sixth floor houses Library Administration offices, the Digital Scholarship Services department, Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE), and USF Innovative Education. There is no study space on the 6th floor. panorama_D4C7B407_F643_7FCA_41BF_81FB58268135.subtitle = The sixth floor houses Library Administration offices, the Digital Scholarship Services department, Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE), and USF Innovative Education. There is no study space on the 6th floor. panorama_D4C76F0C_F643_09DE_41EE_B0E036C6D4C2.subtitle = The sixth floor houses Library Administration offices, the Digital Scholarship Services department, Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE), and USF Innovative Education. There is no study space on the 6th floor. panorama_D4C74C3E_F643_083A_41E4_0F5FDC005822.subtitle = The sixth floor houses Library Administration offices, the Digital Scholarship Services department, Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE), and USF Innovative Education. There is no study space on the 6th floor. panorama_D4C7E6F0_F643_1846_41EA_FBF86817B650.subtitle = The sixth floor houses Library Administration offices, the Digital Scholarship Services department, Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE), and USF Innovative Education. There is no study space on the 6th floor. panorama_D4D40983_F643_08CF_41C4_C0D660E7E53C.subtitle = The sixth floor houses Library Administration offices, the Digital Scholarship Services department, Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE), and USF Innovative Education. There is no study space on the 6th floor. panorama_D4C3B0F3_F643_184F_41D5_932262B8009B.subtitle = The sixth floor houses Library Administration offices, the Digital Scholarship Services department, Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE), and USF Innovative Education. There is no study space on the 6th floor. panorama_D4C3F046_F643_7849_41D5_9D366E93C1DD.subtitle = The sixth floor houses Library Administration offices, the Digital Scholarship Services department, Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE), and USF Innovative Education. There is no study space on the 6th floor. panorama_D4C3D897_F643_08F7_41DD_FDA94E7A4918.subtitle = The sixth floor houses Library Administration offices, the Digital Scholarship Services department, Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE), and USF Innovative Education. There is no study space on the 6th floor. panorama_D4C7D162_F643_184A_41E9_646F6BB30D35.subtitle = The sixth floor houses Library Administration offices, the Digital Scholarship Services department, Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE), and USF Innovative Education. There is no study space on the 6th floor. panorama_D4C7183D_F643_083E_41E7_1DB7D292B5EA.subtitle = The sixth floor houses Library Administration offices, the Digital Scholarship Services department, Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE), and USF Innovative Education. There is no study space on the 6th floor. panorama_1DD0B4D7_0102_9ACF_417C_41795B36DEF3.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD0B5BA_0102_7B46_4142_172D3E71EA86.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD03297_0103_994F_4166_2D4767B9327C.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD059E5_0103_8AC3_417B_C58504887BC1.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD0DF77_0102_87CF_4176_811595F6C5EA.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DEFAEC4_013D_86C2_4176_6A6985DC8C8A.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD3EAB5_0106_8942_417B_E7834DDD383F.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD31334_0106_BF41_417D_1EB64144BBD2.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD34C39_0106_8943_414C_97B26B8C565C.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD1251C_0105_9B42_4161_53DEC60614AF.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD13E02_0105_8946_4171_8F9A53994961.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD16716_0105_8741_4171_0A489F458C42.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD17F73_0105_87C6_4175_C10870E960F5.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD11815_0105_8943_4173_F42A0257FE99.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD06BE2_0102_8EC6_417A_401FB4304D29.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DEE3918_013D_8B41_4164_A8F6F7272716.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD140D7_0102_7ACF_4174_097169997036.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD1D99B_0102_8B47_4172_4EA3B336BD6C.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD0129C_0102_9942_4170_11ECB3036E98.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD1DC27_0102_894E_4178_966A0A4C1211.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD021F4_0102_FAC2_4171_EC991ABE779E.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD1C590_0102_BB41_417C_7447ECD740D0.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD02829_0102_8943_4137_6ED7F2E86B28.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD04C43_0103_89C6_417E_06E8B4C411EE.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_1DD15EB5_0102_8942_4143_CA7CDE6B457F.subtitle = The third floor is a quiet study floor, has seven group study rooms available for checkout, and has newly remodeled restrooms. \ \ \ Classroom 309 is located on this floor. \ \ \ Books A-PN are available on this floor. panorama_59FC2054_24A2_1B85_41BD_52F66993E77A.subtitle = To print in the library, you must have a reserved seat in the 1st Floor Computer Lab. \ \ Printing/copying services in the USF Tampa Library are offered by USF Information Technology (IT). If you have any problems, please contact the IT help@usf.edu or by calling 813-974-1222. \ \ Printing costs are 11 cents per page for black and white and 22 cents per page for color. panorama_1DDD12CF_0102_BEDE_4166_581986072169.subtitle = We offer guidance, training and support for incorporating 3D printing into research and learning opportunities at USF. Our lab contains a variety of FDM, SLA resin, and large build platforms. \ \ Our 3D researchers can also provide kit and replica pieces for use in education and outreach support. panorama_1DDDA9FF_0102_8ABE_4165_A16E32DCE33D.subtitle = We offer guidance, training and support for incorporating 3D printing into research and learning opportunities at USF. Our lab contains a variety of FDM, SLA resin, and large build platforms. \ \ Our 3D researchers can also provide kit and replica pieces for use in education and outreach support. ### Title photo_1D50309A_2661_F98B_4180_EDA82ED143E6.label = Aero_Roberston&Fresh panorama_1DD46016_010E_9941_416C_72582218D695.label = Basement panorama_1DD7E8A8_010E_8941_415A_067C970D30D4.label = Basement map_F82A0F27_F23F_1EBA_41EC_5DB962F3890F.label = Basement panorama_1DD7D1CC_010E_BAC1_4176_EAB4FDFE0A38.label = Basement panorama_1DD79A6C_010E_89C2_416E_64A6F1CE8FE9.label = Basement panorama_1DD40372_010D_9FC1_4169_C6CE3A5651B4.label = Basement panorama_1DD44D82_010D_8B41_4146_A9174A7B7656.label = Basement panorama_1DD4FE40_010E_89C1_4157_FFC8FD73CEA0.label = Basement panorama_1DD477A7_010E_874E_416C_15AB1B04231C.label = Basement panorama_1DD49243_010F_99C7_4171_596A212E7825.label = Basement panorama_1DD46AA0_010F_8942_416A_5BDE666FD758.label = Basement panorama_1DD4A3A5_010F_FF42_4174_7BE54A30DB84.label = Basement panorama_1DD484E8_010F_9AC1_4166_DA3918D175D6.label = Basement panorama_1DD41C46_010F_89CE_4170_C3BC2029B354.label = Basement panorama_10038BBA_1B62_61FB_4198_BD17409CAB6C.label = Bulls Mural panorama_10054172_1B62_1E8B_41A7_212A17BBA16F.label = Bulls Mural panorama_1005463A_1B62_22FB_41A7_719CDD6E003B.label = Bulls Mural panorama_1005E763_1B62_E289_41AA_CF62DD29CA8E.label = Exterior panorama_1004D5A9_1B62_2186_41BA_A3AE66E50DFD.label = Exterior panorama_10056C33_1B63_E689_41AD_C9C6F0B281DC.label = Exterior panorama_1005034E_1B62_2298_4174_60B9FE988EFE.label = Exterior panorama_1005113D_1B62_3EF9_41A6_8811696A522E.label = Exterior panorama_1004F07B_1B62_7F79_41B5_E9DD02438DFF.label = Exterior panorama_17200DCB_1B62_2198_41A6_77EEDD248EEE.label = Exterior panorama_100278E0_1B62_6F88_4184_34F75C3A2C60.label = Exterior map_73C26B70_21E0_8841_41BF_8742C212EF5F.label = Exterior - Bulls Mural map_77B3AAA7_21E0_88CF_4199_2533206B6255.label = Exterior - Library Entrance map_77B37169_21E0_B843_41B5_1F8AD6FA3CD8.label = Exterior - Southern Courtyard panorama_D4C22823_F645_17C8_41C5_877B7216EAE0.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C3A81B_F643_17F8_41D9_1E0332B58CB2.label = Fifth Floor map_F82ADD37_F23F_029A_41E7_487DBCA42D6F.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C6B952_F647_0848_41E5_56C3D10C5218.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C6511A_F647_19FB_41D0_1EE64E987B4D.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C658F3_F647_0848_41C0_339C79F659BB.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C190BB_F647_7839_41D6_637F7E871083.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C618A3_F647_08CF_41C1_789ADF3FCF53.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C6307D_F647_1838_41EF_51BEAA31F5BF.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C3CFBF_F643_0838_41E1_62BBE4B01D17.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C2606F_F645_3858_41EC_795048FD728E.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C238AE_F645_08D8_41E2_60914BC99608.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C200D9_F645_187B_41D9_0361DEAE1E52.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C218E2_F645_0848_4199_2A0CA3B35FDE.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C2709B_F645_F8F8_41EA_69E61F5C7425.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C2A841_F645_084B_41E4_3A74CE0F6FBE.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C2CF71_F645_084B_41E0_62D204A463F4.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C29F44_F645_0849_41E6_E040CC1F2659.label = Fifth Floor panorama_D4C25781_F642_F8CB_41C1_CFACF68E4954.label = Fifth Floor panorama_59FD49AF_24A2_2C82_4193_9EC3EAB7130F.label = First Floor panorama_1DDF0A40_0107_89C1_4176_CACBE5CE75F8.label = First Floor panorama_59FCF5D0_24A1_E49D_41BC_9C4BA90B7CFA.label = First Floor panorama_59FB01C5_24A2_7C86_41AE_6957C730779C.label = First Floor panorama_1DDCF8FD_0107_8ABD_416D_DA4D1A8DF717.label = First Floor panorama_59F98E6C_24A2_2785_4191_0EA122C2EFE2.label = First Floor panorama_59FA973F_24A2_E583_4185_BB27776500B2.label = First Floor panorama_1DDD37AB_0106_8746_4172_7814682BD304.label = First Floor panorama_59F64B86_24A3_EC85_413A_9033383D760C.label = First Floor panorama_1DDF724D_0107_99C3_4176_0D12454B7CF9.label = First Floor panorama_1DDCC1AF_0107_BB5F_4166_91C0D67B8DBC.label = First Floor panorama_59E1BECD_24A6_E486_4183_92E367EEB373.label = First Floor panorama_59E31C4B_24A6_2B82_41A7_3D345AA9333D.label = First Floor panorama_59E32994_24A6_6C86_41BD_02A1A5926687.label = First Floor panorama_59FD582F_24A6_2B82_41AE_C843B63C9BB5.label = First Floor panorama_59FCB32A_24A2_1D82_41B5_B023C9C3ACE1.label = First Floor map_F9378861_F23F_02B9_41E3_D63E6F9BAB51.label = First Floor panorama_1DDDA9FF_0102_8ABE_4165_A16E32DCE33D.label = First Floor - 3D Print Lab & Studio panorama_1DDD12CF_0102_BEDE_4166_581986072169.label = First Floor - 3D Print Lab & Studio panorama_1DDD166D_0106_99C3_416B_23FAC243F7C4.label = First Floor - DHHC panorama_1DDF3C90_0106_8942_414C_FBA3E09B4900.label = First Floor - DHHC panorama_1DDF477C_0106_87C2_4173_6BC920AE5A36.label = First Floor - Digital Media Commons panorama_1DDD9B2C_0102_8F41_4178_C6250BCDA847.label = First Floor - Digital Media Commons panorama_1DDC7E8D_0102_895D_4178_2440FB01A92A.label = First Floor - Digital Media Commons panorama_1DDD701C_0106_9941_417A_B3AC7D8C963F.label = First Floor - Digital Media Commons panorama_1DDDA74E_0102_87DE_4174_0AE5EA379B33.label = First Floor - Digital Media Commons panorama_1DDD7587_0105_9B4F_416C_6E2DDECEE98C.label = First Floor - Digital Media Commons panorama_1DDFC5A6_0106_9B41_4171_41AF2CC6FB09.label = First Floor - Digital Media Commons panorama_1DDDDE7B_0102_89C7_40EB_C90815899080.label = First Floor - Digital Media Commons panorama_1DDDC0F8_0102_9AC2_416F_A05839BEFDF8.label = First Floor - Digital Media Commons panorama_1DDB23E4_0103_FEC2_4167_1B0DC8B223C8.label = First Floor - Digital Media Commons panorama_1DDCF384_0105_BF42_4172_F260B0CF048C.label = First Floor - Digital Media Commons panorama_1DDCDA0B_0105_8946_417E_86197FAE12E3.label = First Floor - Digital Media Commons panorama_1DDEE0F7_0106_9ACE_415D_4A9669B9CD65.label = First Floor - Digital Media Commons panorama_3A8424EB_20BB_5530_41B9_C99F0CB4A1A5.label = First Floor - GIS Lab panorama_3DEF521D_20BB_CD10_41B2_2D565B6AD04B.label = First Floor - GIS Lab panorama_59FD2CD8_24A2_648E_41B1_D5BAF110D8EF.label = First Floor - IT Help Desk panorama_59FC2054_24A2_1B85_41BD_52F66993E77A.label = First Floor - Printing panorama_59FA24BD_24A2_2487_41B7_2CC04B851134.label = First Floor - Starbucks panorama_1DDC92F5_0103_9EC3_417D_754EC140714B.label = First Floor - Virtual Reality Studio panorama_1DDC5B54_0103_8FC1_4151_B4545919773A.label = First Floor - Virtual Reality Studio panorama_386EC2BC_20AB_4D0E_41B1_90CF2C65DEFE.label = First Floor - VizLab panorama_38653535_20A9_5719_4190_0C52909F1223.label = First Floor - VizLab photo_6C0BC585_2627_98DF_41BB_66FBD69316FB.label = Flamingo_Catesby map_F82AD434_F23F_029E_41BF_024093942B90.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C700D9_F646_F878_41E6_29DB4239FC2A.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C738AF_F645_08D9_41E7_C0B446912F74.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C0F118_F645_19C7_41E2_2770B5460315.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C09A07_F645_0BC9_41DC_68ED2F40FDCE.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C0924E_F645_385B_41D4_11BFEE1331F6.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C76B8D_F643_08DE_41A6_E71464BAADAD.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C09A66_F645_084B_41E3_E392C5FD22D0.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4D4B358_F645_1847_41C8_C32AF1E333A6.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C00B5C_F645_087E_41E6_F8497B993C26.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C0D46C_F645_785E_41D0_85183E3EDE28.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C0EE35_F645_0BC9_41DC_A430C00F9552.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C10702_F645_19CB_41ED_4F24FA83230C.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C750FC_F643_183F_41C9_D9A0B55866C4.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C11161_F647_1848_41C1_FBF4C7E4E2F0.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C6C959_F647_0878_41D6_C0DEB0D7C2AA.label = Fourth Floor panorama_D4C159A2_F647_08C8_41E0_3629773B2353.label = Fourth Floor panorama_1DDB80A5_0102_9942_4166_EC17599F6A08.label = Fourth Floor - Grace Allen Room panorama_1DDBE7B4_0102_8741_4179_D799D2F0E325.label = Fourth Floor - Grace Allen Room panorama_1DD462D8_010D_9EC1_4173_E93BC56718A0.label = Fourth Floor - Grace Allen Room panorama_1DDBA938_0102_8B41_4176_5297853E0BEF.label = Fourth Floor - Grace Allen Room panorama_1DDB9163_0102_BBC6_4175_40F90C4B65A6.label = Fourth Floor - Grace Allen Room panorama_1DDB69F4_0102_8AC1_4160_670308E028E3.label = Fourth Floor - Grace Allen Room panorama_1DD49D3D_010D_8B42_417C_2A65E4716EF0.label = Fourth Floor - Special Collections panorama_1DD46E1B_010E_8946_416D_C56BE8CACE9E.label = Fourth Floor - Special Collections panorama_1DD47B03_010D_8F46_4176_72ED3BCE10B3.label = Fourth Floor - Special Collections panorama_1DD43767_010E_87CE_4163_E7B9B012C986.label = Fourth Floor - Special Collections panorama_1DD4648C_010D_F942_4111_0E090EF6C300.label = Fourth Floor - Special Collections panorama_1DD5804B_010E_B9C7_4161_69455063DF5E.label = Fourth Floor - Special Collections panorama_1DD59E52_010E_89C6_4161_63876B8119CB.label = Fourth Floor - Special Collections panorama_1DD4E5CD_010D_9AC2_4153_1E5146A6C899.label = Fourth Floor - Special Collections panorama_1DD45626_010E_B94E_4175_47FFA22623D9.label = Fourth Floor - Special Collections panorama_59B77CDF_24A6_2483_41BC_5C2EDC2C670D.label = Library Entrance panorama_59E76BEA_24A6_2C82_41B8_0D175C350DE3.label = Library Entrance panorama_32C515CA_1B9E_6624_41A7_327668ACEC4A.label = Library Entrance photo_08394409_2661_988A_4194_344A33351B97.label = Murypolum_Ogden panorama_1D9089A0_013D_8B42_416B_62AD502C8D70.label = PIC_2021_01_13_08_35_59_20210114092950 panorama_D4C2476A_F645_1859_41EC_D681F9162AD1.label = Reading Room 516 panorama_047C5C2C_20F7_54DA_41A2_829E52B14E3B.label = Second Floor map_F821B1FC_F23F_058E_41DC_53B0F1748A0A.label = Second Floor panorama_04399D01_20F7_B4CA_41B9_9852D592BB80.label = Second Floor panorama_04076D0A_20F7_B4DE_41BD_2C112B375977.label = Second Floor panorama_1DCCB7DA_0106_86C6_4165_D350EBD9E809.label = Second Floor panorama_1DD3E1C8_0107_9AC2_415D_A262EB285C00.label = Second Floor panorama_1DD32268_0106_99C2_417A_7432568D9DA6.label = Second Floor panorama_047BFC2E_20F7_54D6_41AB_E7CE08A75C1E.label = Second Floor panorama_04381D07_20F7_B4D6_41BF_7EEE512F037F.label = Second Floor panorama_047ACC31_20F7_54CA_41B9_6C13C262E9BD.label = Second Floor panorama_1DCCEE2E_0106_8941_4167_AE84AC739B10.label = Second Floor panorama_1DD44F35_0103_8743_416F_B7F8B3946EA3.label = Second Floor panorama_1DD3D9D8_0106_8AC1_4179_03CAA691B28E.label = Second Floor panorama_1DD23C09_0107_8942_4178_14CD8523BCED.label = Second Floor panorama_1DD3977C_0107_87C2_413A_5A912B30FB68.label = Second Floor - 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Learning Commons study area panorama_1DD5FA28_0103_8942_4162_904BE3D72048.label = Second Floor - Learning Commons study area panorama_1DD476A6_010D_F94E_4160_39DE72E0024E.label = Second Floor - OUR panorama_93F7BDEA_020B_EA44_419A_792FB912710B.label = Second Floor - OUR panorama_1DD4C484_0102_F942_4178_5CACE772CDFE.label = Second Floor - The SMART Lab panorama_1DD5888D_0103_8942_4176_0B15FAE5E877.label = Second Floor - The SMART Lab panorama_1DD4B1C5_0102_9AC2_417D_49D6D85D7000.label = Second Floor - The SMART Lab panorama_1DD48B1D_0102_8F43_417A_EEF27CC60AE6.label = Second Floor - The SMART Lab panorama_1DD3F4E2_0105_BAC6_415B_4D6642683446.label = Second Floor - The SMART Lab panorama_1DD4EDDC_0102_8AC2_4173_66AF2FCA1F0C.label = Second Floor - The SMART Lab panorama_1DD44713_0102_8746_4170_B0002D61F63E.label = Second Floor - The SMART Lab panorama_1DD4B039_0102_7943_4177_C957F79DD4DF.label = Second Floor - The SMART Lab panorama_1DD3B92C_0105_8B42_4170_88F95ECD87F8.label = Second Floor - 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An Aero Peninsular Corporation Seaplane and a Military Landing Craft
Robertson and Fresh Collection of Tampa Photographs
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Find help with library services at
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Murypolum with Eggmass
Morrison Dennis Cays, Nicaragua
Dr. John Ogden Florida and Caribbean Reef Collection
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Phoenicopterus Bahamensis, The Flamingo
Catesby Photograph Collection
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Tampa Downtown at Night
Skip Gandy Commercial and Aerial Photography Collection
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Virginiae Partis Australis, Et Floridae Partis Orientalis, Interjacentiumq[Ue] Regionum Nova Descriptio
Rare Early Printed Map Collection
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Interlibrary Loan service (ILL) provides current USF students, staff and faculty with materials from the USF libraries and from other libraries. This includes transferring materials between USF libraries, and obtaining materials from other libraries all over the United States and internationally. Materials can be requested at https://lib.usf.edu/ill/
USF Tampa campus interlibrary loan staff process over 40,000 requests per month using the request management system, ILLiad. Though material delivery times depend on lending libraries, interlibrary loan staff are constantly improving processes to speed request turn-over, and in FY15 40% of articles requested by USF patrons are delivered within 24 hours.
### Title window_30681269_2C9E_B966_4175_802777457D23.title = Help at the USF Libraries window_376C4E72_2B79_896A_41A0_237CD901197C.title = Interlibrary Loan (ILL) ## Right Click Menu ### Text TDVAuthor.label = USF DHHC ## Skin ### Image Image_096C442E_5012_C33A_41CE_368E4533F9F4.url = skin/Image_096C442E_5012_C33A_41CE_368E4533F9F4_en.jpg ### Multiline Text HTMLText_E8691FD1_F2CD_1D96_41D9_95BA987AF04F.html =
1901 Advertising Letterpress Block Stamp

Metal On wood and metal typeset advertising - This metal advertising block stamp was an early work by artist Karl Moseley, dated 1901. In 1903, Karl illustrated Joel Chandler Harris’ book, Wally Wanderoon and His Storytelling Machine, which was similar to the author’s famed Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit stories from 1881.

Karl went on to become a distinguished New York artist with his work appearing in Life, Harpers, and McClure’s Magazine, and other national periodicals. This stamp was a gift to his mother, Julia Daniels Moseley, as shown on the wood back of the block: “Merry Xmas/ ma ma/Karl 1901”. The piece is from the Moseley Homestead Collections, a National Register of Historic Places and County Landmark home in Brandon, Florida.
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Cigar Guillotine Cutter

This tool would be part of the traditional kit used by a Torcedor - a highly skilled and specifically trained cigar roller. This cigar-cutting tool would have been prevalent in the early West Tampa and Ybor City cigar factories.

These historical tools are part of a collection of objects relating to Tampa’s early cigar industry that are curated by the University of South Florida Library Special Collections. The piece was a gift of longtime cigar industry researcher, Loy Glenn Westfall, given to the USF Libraries Special Collections department. The piece was 3D scanned and modeled by the Digital Heritage and Humanities Collections to provide greater digital accessibility to our collections.
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Cuneiform Clay Tablet

Cuneiform on clay tablet.

Cuneiform is the world’s oldest known written language developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia in the 4th millennium BC. The inscriptions were made with reed styluses to impress some 900 different logographic, syllabic and taxographic signs into moist clay tablets.

The text dates from the third dynasty of Ur (Ur III, c. 2100-2000 BC). The original text that was impressed on the tablet has, for the most part, been rendered illegible by a seal that was stamped over the surface.

The seal appears to have belonged to Shara-bazige, a scribe who was employed by Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, a city-state in southern Mesopotamia and a key center during the Ur III period. This particular seal has been identified on several other Ur III texts.
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Cuneiform Clay Tablet

Cuneiform on clay tablet.

Cuneiform is the world’s oldest known written language developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia in the 4th millennium BC. The inscriptions were made with reed styluses to impress some 900 different logographic, syllabic and taxographic signs into moist clay tablets.

The text dates from the third dynasty of Ur (Ur III, c. 2100-2000 BC). The original text that was impressed on the tablet has, for the most part, been rendered illegible by a seal that was stamped over the surface.

The seal appears to have belonged to Shara-bazige, a scribe who was employed by Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, a city-state in southern Mesopotamia and a key center during the Ur III period. This particular seal has been identified on several other Ur III texts.
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Jim Crow Era Jackson Rooming House

The Jackson Rooming House in downtown Tampa, Florida is the last of an era of homes used as segregated boarding structures for African Americans before the 1965 Civil Rights Act. The Jackson house is/was located close to the thriving Black business district and nightlife areas in Tampa, and was adjacent to the Union Station. Many famous performers like Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington, and Ella Fitzgerald are said to have stayed at the house. Constructed in stages from c. 1901 to 1920, today it is highly imperiled despite listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The house is in ruin, awaiting preservation or demolition. This 3D pointcloud is from a terrestrial laser scanner and drone heritage survey project, was undertaken by the DHHC USF Libraries and the Tampa Bay History Center. These data are being used for digital preservation efforts and to create a new upcoming exhibit at the TBHC relating to Civil Rights era in Tampa.
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The Moseley Homestead Collection

This 1886 frontier homestead in Brandon, Florida is a National Register of Historic Places site and is landmarked by Hillsborough County. The home is associated with writer and artist, Julia Daniels Moseley and her watchmaker, engineer, and inventor husband Charles Scott Moseley and their descendants. Today this frontier-era homestead is the last remnant of pioneer Florida tucked away and surrounded by the urbanized environment near east Tampa on the west coast of the state. Lead 3D Specialist for project and the online exhibition is Jorge Gonzalez with Project PIs Drs. Lori Collins and Travis Doering.
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Vintage Juan de Fuca Cigar Box

This cigar box once held the most popular selling brand of the Morgan Cigar Company in West Tampa, founded by Georgia native, W.T. Morgan.

The Juan de Fuca was named after the strait north of Puget Sound, and its success helped lead Morgan to purchase the former Berriman Bros. factory at the corner of Howard and LaSalle in Tampa, Florida, in 1910.

The University of South Florida Libraries are digitizing and creating 3D models of items held in Special Collections, to make them more broadly accessible and to assist with preservation, conservation, and archival documentation standards.
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Links and Resources

Please visit the links below for more infomarion about University of South Florida Tampa Library

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Busycon sinistrum (Lightning whelk)

The Busycon whelk has a left-handed or sinistral shell. It is a species that preys on smaller bivalves and are found in the sandy or muddy areas along shallow embayments. This species was also important to Native Americans, with the archaeological record showing how left-handed lightening whelks offered an important food resource, with their shells made into tools, ornaments, and used as a container for ceremonial drink.
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Dusky Shark Jaws

The Dusky or Shovelnose shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) is large and is known to have the strongest bite of any shark. The Dusky shark is found in coastal and offshore waters. This species is continuing to decline, with shrinking area, extent, and quality of habitat and is considered to be vunerable according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species. The species has slow growth, late maturity and small litter sizes. Dusky sharks are impacted by human takes and consumption with its fins used for sharks-fin soup; and liver oil extracted for vitamins.

Accession #FSBC 3192 Length: 8.6 ft. 477 lbs. Male
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Oreaster reticulatus (Cushion Star)

This specimen is commonly known as a cushion sea star and is a species of marine invertebrate. This starfish is in the family Oreasteridae, and has a color that varies from orange to brown, yellow or red. The cushion star has knobby spines on top and rows of suctioned tube feet on the bottom of each arm. The cushion star is found in calm, shallow, subtropical and tropical waters. Because this starfish is larger in size and can be colorful, it is easily seen and often exploited by souvenir hunters. It is illegal to take this species from Florida waters.
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University of South Florida Libraries

The USF Libraries offer access to over 1.3 million books and an extensive selection of print and electronic resources, including 52,000 e-journal subscriptions, 443,000 e-books, and over 800 databases containing articles, media and other materials.

In addition to extensive electronic and print resources, the libraries on the USF Tampa and St. Petersburg campuses offer unique access to primary research materials through our Special Collections departments. Specializations include Florida studies, environment and natural history, children’s and young adult literature, LGBTQ studies, and university archives.

Aerial LiDAR background as Digital Surface Model, 3D is from student project efforts with terrestrial LiDAR and Drone SfM mapping.
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Island Movement

Fort Matanzas is located on Rattlesnake Island. Time and tide are changing this coastline. In 1740, the inlet was a half-mile closer to the fort than it is now. The fort was built on less than two acres of dry ground with water all around it and a deep channel just in front of the gundeck. Today, Rattlesnake Island is more than two hundred acres.
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